Get To Know Cindy

Growing up, I was always ambitious and competitive. Whether it was a class assignment, a 4-H sewing project, or a hula hoop competition, I wanted to do my best and I wanted to win. This desire to excel at everything I attempted to do was a force that got me through college and helped me to succeed in my career. But, like many, as I got older, I found that doing my best and achieving goals didn't give me the joy it once used to provide. I couldn't put my finger on it...I just knew that being successful in my current career wasn't making me happy....and something had to change.

After surviving several major organizational restructurings in my corporate role, and wondering when the day would come when I didn't make it through, I decided to take control of my career. In 2010, I started to work with a coach. The experience was transformational! I was able to wonder out loud "who am I" and "what do I want to do with the rest of my life.” No judgment. No pushing. Just space and curiosity to search for what I wanted to do with my life going forward. I started to consider, really consider, what brings me joy and what stresses me out. I finally allowed myself to step away from other's definitions of "success" and "achievement" and defined it for myself. Having an important title, working 70-80 hours a week, traveling every day, eating on the road, and feeling stressed out trying to meet crazy goals....really wasn't working for me! I was exhausted, I dreaded getting up every morning, life felt like a chore, and I was tired of my clothes always being too tight because yet again...I had gained more weight. I decided to reacquaint myself with MY VALUES, MY PURPOSE, and MY GOALS!!

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Everything DiSC® is a transformational tool to help you understand yourself and others to have more effective relationships.

Everything DiSC® offers specific solutions for people at any level of an organization, while creating a common language that everyone can use.

My Passion

I wanted to design a career that supported my values, not the values of my parents, friends, spouse or society. I wanted my days to be spent utilizing my strengths, enjoying my work, and finding the dimension of success that gave me joy.

So, I went on the search to discover my passion. It seemed silly to me, to think that I had some "hidden passion" that once uncovered I would chase after it and life would be all rainbows and butterflies. What I really found was that my passion, my gifts, my purpose was right in front of me all along. I am a relator and I love to connect with talented individuals to help them develop their leadership skills and take control of their career.  Period. Just that simple.

So, the real question was "Did I have the courage to leave corporate America and follow this passion?"  Well, quickly I learned, when your focus is clear and your goals are supported by your and opportunities will present themselves.  So, in 2013, I left corporate America and founded Success Dimensions.  Just like that I shed my fears and began my journey as an Executive Coach, Speaker, and Facilitator focused on leadership development.

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The Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team™ is a unique learning experience that helps people discover what it takes to achieve the ultimate competitive advantage of teamwork.

ICF PCC badgeMy Craft

As a Professional Certified Coach through the International Coach Federation (ICF), my days are now focused on helping successful professionals get reacquainted with their Values, their Purpose and their Goals. Empowering them to lead themselves and others with authenticity by developing critical leadership skills such as: Coaching, Emotional Intelligence, Essential Communication Skills, Leadership Presence, and more.

Currently I reside in Fairfield Township, Ohio with my husband, Paul and two cats, Paulo and Meilo. When I am not coaching or facilitating workshops, you will most likely find me walking with a friend, reading a book, or simply enjoying the company of my awesome friends and neighbors with a glass of wine! Whenever possible, I love to travel with my husband to other countries to explore and experience different cultures.

When I began my new career, it was import that I carved out time to "pay it forward". Currently, I am an active volunteer at the Butler County Animal Friends Humane Society, a board member of my community HOA, and a volunteer coach for the GradLifeChoices organization.

Ready To Build A Truly Cohesive And Effective Team? Contact Us To Learn How!